Thursday, April 30, 2009

How To Believe

"I can't do that" or "That's impossible" are just two of the many phrases we use to express our disbelief in the possibilities. There’s an old saying “seeing is believing”; this begs the question: do we really have to see the results before we can believe in the possibilities?

I believe not, it is the possibilities that make life so incredible not the results. For me seeing is not believing but believing is seeing because when you believe in something that’s the moment when anything becomes possible.

Somewhere along the way we lose our ability to believe in the possible. As we grow up we begin to focus on the reason why not. There is no scientific way to explain why this happens but I have a theory. I think it’s because we see what our society has done to believers. Our society has taught us that if we dare to believe and step out that we will be ridiculed for being different (think back to your school days). If we fall down they laugh and taunt us for being failures but even when we succeed they scrutinize every step we make and so we just sit and wonder “if I could have done this or that then I would’ve been able to”.

We just need to find a way back to when we knew how to believe. Think about it, when you were young and you dream about being a Fire Fighter, an Astronaut or even President you never thought about the reasons why that wasn’t possible, you just believed.

We have to un-train ourselves out of the “Why Not’s” and train ourselves to believe. So, how do we do that?

In order to believe you have to first think you can do something. In order to think you can do something you have to tell yourself you can. It all starts with what you’re saying about yourself. You’ve been saying negative things about yourself (i.e. “I can’t”) and so we need to make a shift and start saying things that breathe life into your possibilities. Here’s how to do that:

  1. Make a list of all the things that you’ve dreamed about doing and still wish you could.
  2. Start saying OUTLOUD “I can do ______!” or “I will do _______” every morning, at lunch, dinner and before you go to bed.
  3. Every time you have one of those negative thoughts pushed it out of your mind and immediately replace it by speaking out something positive (if it’s about your list, then speak your affirmations)
  4. Start making plans that’ll help you accomplish your list (do the research to find out what it’ll take and start putting things together).

You see when we start saying things as if they were already part of our lives and we do that long enough then our thoughts will change to reflect what we’re saying. When we start to think those things long enough it will shape what we believe about what we think. When we believe then anything becomes possible. The best part is that there is no limits on how many beliefs we can have.

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