Friday, July 17, 2009

The Eyes of the Future

It is through the eyes of hope that we can see what the future holds. The only reason to look into the past is to see where not to step.
It's easy to look to the past and long for the old days or wallow in its pain but that leaves us stagnated. We can never hope to move forward when we have our head turned backwards. It's okay to look to the past to avoid its mistakes but we should nearly always be looking forward to see where we can go.
What lies in the future only God knows but one thing is for sure it is a journey filled with stories that are yet to be told. Life can only take you down two different paths one filled with the miseries of life laced with pain and sorrow or one filled with the pioneering spirit of the travels we've not taken, full of anticipation and excitement for what we can not see. The journey we've not taken is either good or bad depending on which road we choose to walk, one looking backwards or one pressing forwards.
God Bless you all today in your travels,