Thursday, March 26, 2009

Power on your words

One of my favorite scriptures is Proverbs 18:21 life and death are in the power of the tongue. My life has proven this scripture true. I used to talk negative and defeated ans so I was but when I turned it around and started to speak life giving things over my life it all turned around. No matter what happens in life if we are speaking life giving words, I believe that's our faith being released and when those things come to pass that was God responding to our faith.

Think about it, it also goes back to the scripture about reaping and sowing. If you sow negative and defeating things in your life then your harvest will most certainly be negative. If that's true then the opposite is true, if we sow positive and life giving things, then our harvest has to be positive and life giving which basically means we are blessed.

The tricky part is that it's our choice what we sow, that's why the scripture say life and death are in the power of the tongue because we have the choice of how we'll live. So, today let's all choose life! Let's speak life over ourselves and the people we come in contact with today. That is how we can shine Christ's light into this dark world.

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